Adam O’Lomasney

Adam O’Lomasney


My work explores the distortion of reality using unnerving and dreamlike imagery. Working with different Lovecraftian stagings and environments, I utilize forces such as water, earth, fire and starlight to amplify feeling. Through my film Acquiesce I thread ideas of mental fragility using symbols and imagery to show how quickly one can spiral out of reality through isolation and dissociation. I explore these themes using unorthodox soundscapes to surround the viewer in unknown states. As the themes I chose to explore are typically considered to be bleak, I attempt to portray human connections and relationships as the light at the end of the tunnel.

Adam O’Lomasney :: Image/Video


Course: fine art

Year: 2024

© 2024 MTU Crawford College of Art & Design
Website by Hurrah Hurrah

Photography: Seán Daly