Ethel Bernadette Moir

Ethel Bernadette Moir


My research is concerned with the human condition. My current work explores the loss of memory, as Alzheimer’s disease slowly engulfs the mind and body, through the media of glass, textiles and film.

A series of five pieces in some work represents the internal and external alterations experienced during the different stages of the disease. The anxiety and emotional turmoil felt, as memory loss progresses, can be seen through the unravelling in pieces of text.

The varying pieces depict the interruption and decline of the mind and body, confusion, fear, and loss, experienced with Alzheimer’s disease.

The short film “Regression” is used to demonstrate the viewpoint of the person with the disease.

Ethel Bernadette Moir:: Image/Video


Course: contemporary applied art

Year: 2021

© 2024 MTU Crawford College of Art & Design  |  Website by Hurrah Hurrah

Photography: Seán Daly