John Healy

John Healy


Hi, my name is John Healy. I am an aspiring animator and filmmaker with a passion for storytelling.
My final year project “Moving Pictures” takes rudimentary animation techniques dating back to the 19thcentury and combines them with modern day physical computing.

I took on my final year project with the intent of improving on my animation skills. The approach was very much unconventional, a theme also found within the project itself. I didn't have the experience or skill to undertake a full animated short film so instead I created a series of short vignettes that could be viewed in a gallery setting using tangible computing. The title of the project is "Moving Picture" playing on the "kineograph" term found in the roots of animation.

John Healy:: Image/Video


Course: creative digital media

Year: 2021

© 2024 MTU Crawford College of Art & Design  |  Website by Hurrah Hurrah

Photography: Seán Daly