Christina O’Hara

Christina O’Hara


My work is a window into the connections between found materials and my internal experience of fragmented connections. I will explore the subluxed connections of a defective structure and the vulnerability of the human form. As someone with a condition affecting the structural protein in my body, I gain a sense of empowerment through the work. I am inspired by collecting found materials from my environment which resonate with me, acting as keystones to represent physiological elements. I experiment with ways in which I can connect pieces together to act as a mechanism to bind tissues into a structure. An intuitive process of knotting, stitching and interlocking demonstrates a fragile, lax, disjointed internal connection. I photograph the objects and collage them together using print to transfer the imagery onto various materials. My lino prints act as a structural code like a DNA pattern. This imagery is then incorporated through mixed media collage with painting, drawing and textiles.

Christina O’Hara:: Image/Video


Course: fine art

Year: 2024

© 2024 MTU Crawford College of Art & Design
Website by Hurrah Hurrah

Photography: Seán Daly