Shane Vaughan

Shane Vaughan


Shane Vaughan’s tackles dissociation and selfhood. Built into this work is a strong sense of the eerie. Mark Fisher, in describing this, asks “Why is there something here when there should be nothing? Why is there nothing here when there should be something?” This feeling is unsettling. It is both familiar, and yet strange.

Using digital video techniques, Vaughan disrupts and interrogates notions of identity. By manipulating errors, these digital portraits are broken, pockmarked, disintegrated, and distorted. By pushing these faults to their breakage, the technology reveals constructed narratives of the self.

This is a strange and stark look at what it means to be.

Shane Vaughan:: Image/Video


Course: ma arts process

Year: 2022

© 2024 MTU Crawford College of Art & Design  |  Website by Hurrah Hurrah

Photography: Seán Daly