Tia Aoife Quinn Whelan

Tia Aoife Quinn Whelan


I have centred my work around self-identity and body image. I explore a person’s self-identity, examining the relationship and struggle between an internal image and the physical features of the face presented to the world. I worked with film, projection and linen to create pieces in which I show this private back and forth people have with their faces. I intend to highlight how they pull and prod at their features, worrying and toying with imperfections that appear far greater to themselves. In this work I focus on my own interactions with a mirror, a reflection on myself.

Tia Aoife Quinn Whelan:: Image/Video


Course: contemporary applied art

Year: 2022

© 2024 MTU Crawford College of Art & Design  |  Website by Hurrah Hurrah

Photography: Seán Daly